Specimen Trees
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worldclass green rule

Welcome to Specimen Trees, where we have been growing world class trees and plants since 1966 in some of the deepest richest soils in the UK.

Our nursery is located in the North of England so our plants are hardy enough for any location in the UK. We've been producing trees for 50 years and are uniquely able to provide advice on species selection and suitability for different locations.

The range of trees we produce is geared towards the professional horticulturist so many of the selections of trees we grow have particular merits in urban environments, public realm areas and roadsides etc...

Over the past decade we have made selections of trees from across the UK and abroad. These have been chosen because of advantages to the professional horticulturist for particular situations.

green rule

This could be sustainability, for highways with crowns that do not become too broad with age, or compact branching for planting close to buildings. Others have attractive foliage through the summer without heavy fruit or seed production.

The list of varieties and selections is constantly being updated annually as and when improvements are found in new selections. HERE is a selection of trees that we currently have in production.

Soil Horizons provides a plant production service to the professional ecologist whereby specific site conditions, and the limitations of aftercare, are incorporated into the design of the final plant. For more information click HERE.

